Can you believe we are at episode 100? Wow!
In this episode I’m going to share an interview with you that I believe is the perfect way to celebrate this milestone episode. It is a great way for you to get to know more about me, why I started this podcast, and why I care so much about helping you with your public health career goals.
If you follow me on social media, then you probably noticed that I was recently featured in a video interview entitled “This Epidemiologist Serves as a Guide to Up and Coming Scientists” and it was for a show called “Your Mark on the World” by Devin Thorpe.
Your Mark on the World publishes their interviews in a video format that also gets published to its website and YouTube channel. There is also a podcast by the same name, where they publish the audio version of the interview as well.
I was thrilled when I was invited to be a guest on the show. I think you all can appreciate the details and full story behind this experience.
Deep Behind the Scenes
Back in March, I hosted my first Public Health Consulting and Entrepreneurship Expo. It was a virtual workshop, but I also created a podcast episode to discuss the topic. I had discovered a Forbes article on global health and social entrepreneurship written by Devin Thorpe, and I discussed his article and referenced him in that episode. After you finish listening to this one, I want you to go back and check out the show notes page for episode #82 where you’ll find the links to Devin’s article.
I was excited about what he discussed in his article and reached out to him on LinkedIn to share that with him and to also let him know that I was referencing him on my upcoming podcast episode.
Side note: I’m always talking about networking from a place of genuine interest and reaching out to foster professional conversations. You should not just reach out to ask about jobs or to always have an agenda. It’s important to be sincere and authentic.
Well, Devin responded and was excited to know that his article had found a fan, as he explained. He said that he wants to explore more in the space of global health and social entrepreneurship. He thanked me for reaching out and we were both happy to find a new connection on a topic we were both interested in.
A few days later, he reached out to me again and asked me to be a guest on his show. I had no idea that he had a show of any kind, and I assumed it was a podcast. I accepted based on the fact that we shared that common interest and expected it to be a great experience.
I then realized the video and audio format of his show, and was still looking forward to it. I kept thinking about how good it would be for me to be on the other end of the mic, so to speak, and experience his on-boarding process for interviews.
About a week before my scheduled interview, Devin started posting all over social media about his interview with Bill Gates and then started sharing pictures, and then the videos.
Imposter syndrome showed up
I’m not gonna lie, imposter syndrome showed up in a major way and all I could think about was how in the world I would be able to follow an interview with Bill Gates! You can’t imagine the thoughts, or I should say doubts, that were going through my head.
But I found my big girl pants real fast and pulled myself together!
Whenever I have a moment like that, which happens to a lot of us, I personally reflect on the messages that I’ve received from the people that I’ve been able to help and I’m reminded of the fact that other people are counting on me to just show up at the table sometimes. Just being present goes a long way toward inspiring people to action.
So, that helped me get out of my own way!
The interview itself was fun for me but still awkward to be the one being interviewed instead of the one leading the interview.
It was fun to chat with Devin off camera. He was easy to talk to and down to earth, and he is really interested in collaborating with me in the future. So, I’m looking forward to seeing where all of this goes.
Back to the Bill Gates interview, My picture and interview ended up right next to Bill Gates picture and interview on the "Your Mark on the World" website.
That gave me a star-struck geeky kind of feeling that I still giggle about whenever I see it.
It was a great experience and I decided to share this backstory with all of you on this 100th episode.
I’m now going to connect the episode from Your Mark on the World so that you can hear it for yourself.
A special thank you to Devin for the opportunity to be featured on Your Mark on the World. Although every time I say thank you, he responds with "no, thank YOU!"
Thank you to everyone listening for being a part of this podcast community, and I look forward to the next 100 episodes.
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