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Public Health Epidemiology Conversations Podcast

Episode #220 Creative Public Health Career Resources, With Zoila Reyna

On this episode of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast

Zoila Reyna had an unusual introduction to public health. Her first job out of college, which she found on Craigslist, involved recruiting youth to be undercover tobacco purchasers for the Federal Drug Administration. This position opened her eyes to the wide ranging impacts of public health on communities, and she was hooked. Zoila’s passion for serving others, and her hard working nature, have taken her from nonprofits, to government organizations, to corporates, and most recently, to the world of entrepreneurship.

Zoila obtained a Master’s in Public Health from UC Davis and Bachelors in Psychology from UCLA.

With a comprehensive experience overseeing public health programs, community engagement, strategic planning, and organizational development, she now works at Kaiser Permanente as a Senior Consultant for Community Health. Her passion still lies in reaching the most vulnerable populations with successful engagement, partnerships, and interventions that include community members and content experts.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoila founded Public Health Hired, a company which aims to demystify the public health hiring process and provide support to public health professionals. In this episode, you’ll hear about the path that led Zoila to where she is today, including the rough patches, and the practical ways in which she is now helping other public health professionals reach their full potential.

Listen To This Episode of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast

Key Topics Discussed During This Conversation

  • A rundown of Zoila’s educational and professional background.

  • Zoila paints a picture of what her upbringing looked like.

  • The first job Zoila had when she left college, and how this paved the way for her public health career path.

  • What Zoila’s current role at Kaiser Permanente consists of.

  • Why Kaiser is moving from the community benefit realm to the realm of community health.

  • The field within public health that Zoila is especially passionate about.

  • Zoila shares what drove her to found her company, Public Health Hired, and what she hopes to achieve through it.

  • Important lessons that Zoila learned through applying for jobs.

  • The key elements that make up the Hired Method.

  • A description of Zoila’s ideal client.

  • Services that Zoila offers through Public Health Hired.

  • Why Zoila is so confident in her ability to coach public health professionals.

  • The role of epidemiology in the work that Zoila does.

Zoila's Career Advice To Public Health Students and Graduates

Work with as many diverse populations as you can! Open up to more people and more doors will open for you! Community engagement has no bounds!

Get Connected



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