On This Episode Of The Public Health Epidemiology Conversations (PHEC) Podcast
Meet Paulina Sosa, Chair of Latinx COVID-19 Task Force & Doctoral student at Johns Hopkins Public health informatics program. She is also the founder of Latinx Voces, which she talks about during our podcast interview and she explains it more fully in the EXPO. Paulina Is one of the presenters of the Public Health Consulting & Entrepreneurship EXPO and shares her heart for Latinx Voces during the EXPO.
Paulina Sosa, MPH
Paulina has worked for more than 15 years in public health, including advocacy, data analytics and communications.
Her work has particularly revolved around infectious disease transmission and epidemic and pandemic preparedness, including influenza and COVID-19.
She worked at the World Health Organization headquarters and at the Pan American Health Organization as the Lead Data Analyst on influenza until she transitioned into her doctoral program at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in Public Health Informatics.
She has since started working with the American Journal of Public Health as the Assistant Editor and at the American Public Health Association as part of the COVID-19 Response Team.
She is also currently the Chair of the Latinx COVID-19 Taskforce, a national coalition addressing health and economic disparities in Latinx communities during COVID-19, and is also the Founder and Director of Latinx Voces, a grassroots initiative aimed at uplifting Latinx stories, culture, and health.
Listen To The Podcast Episode
Paulina's Career Tips for Students
Paulina says...
Don't be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone! Trust me, sometimes that's how you find your calling.
Develop good relationships with key mentors. We never do this thing called life alone.
Find that work-school-life balance. I have always been one to fill all my empty time with work, but have recently found the beauty of rest.
Dedicate time and creativity to your LinkedIn profile. Only until earlier this year did I realize how powerful LInkedIn is. Share your link to any conferences you go to. This is the new "business card".
Attend conferences virtually! There are so many opportunities now with the pandemic- so take advantage of as many of these learning and networking opportunities as you can!
Paulina's Career Tips for Graduates & Professionals
Paulina says...
Similarly to above, dedicate time to your LinkedIn profile. Get references, endorsements, add links to your projects.
Create an online portfolio- this is your time to shine! I know many of us feel odd "tooting our own horn"- but in this world we have to.
Decide what your worth is by researching the type of pay, job, and work style you want. Talk to a career coach- this helped me.
Don't be afraid to think outside of the box. COVID-19 is changing the workplace dramatically, look at ways to market your skills online.
Don't be discouraged by the "no" - look at it instead as confirmation that there is something better in store.
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