Your Questions Answered
What kind of public health consulting services do you provide?
We help large nonprofit organizations communicate health information in a way that is easily understood by the communities they serve. Some specific examples include creating community health profiles, community health needs assessments, and population health fact sheets. Find out more >
What kind of organizations do you help?
Large nonprofit organizations, which includes hospitals, often have several departments and divisions that are led by people who are passionate about that organization’s mission and the communities they serve. These organizations often face challenges with communicating health information to their internal teams, external partners, and to the individuals in the communities they are so passionate about serving. We focus our efforts on these large organizations, where the needs are great, where we are needed the most, and where we can have the greatest impact. Additionally, we can support local health departments with the development of their community health needs assessments.
What geographical area do you provide consulting services?
We provide services across the United States, with a strong focus on the states within the southeastern region of the country. Highest priority goes to South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Florida.
What topics do you focus on the most?
We are most excited about serving nonprofit organizations, including hospitals, that serve BIPOC communities and rural communities. We are also passionate about serving organizations that are addressing the challenges their communities face with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and the complications that are associated with these diseases.
When are new episodes of the podcast released?
We publish a brand new episode of the Public Health Epidemiology Conversations podcast every Tuesday.
What is the name of your podcast?
The full name of our podcast is Public Health Epidemiology Conversations, and the shortened name is PHEC podcast. It’s sometimes easy to remember the shortened url of PHECpodcast.com when you want to get to the show notes quickly or share the podcast with a friend.
When did the podcast start?
The podcast started in August of 2017 as “Public Health Epidemiology Careers” but at episode 209 the name changed to “Public Health Epidemiology Conversations” podcast to better reflect the focus of the episodes and the show overall.